On January 25 & 26 the RBC will be hosting the Saskatchewan Wildlife Federation Biathlon Cup races 5 & 6.
The weather hasn’t cooperated well these past few weeks but with some snow moving and more snow fall our trails are ready!
Lots of sore arm muscles after today.
Saturday zero is at 12:00 and races begin at 1:00.
*There will a pizza and pasta buffet Saturday evening at 6:30 p.m. at the Western Pizza on South Albert for only $15. You can RSVP for supper when you register Saturday morning.
On Sunday zeroing begins at 9:30 and the race begin at 10:30. There will be hot dogs and marshmallow available for all and a the infamous prize table run following the races.
To register for the races please follow this link to Zone4, https://zone4.ca/register.asp?id=23103&lan=1&cartlevel=1
If you have any questions please call or text Merle at 306-737-4585.
2019 Prize Table Run Sunday afternoon