We are an active community biathlon club associated with the Regina Ski Club, and the Regina Wildlife Federation (RWF). We host practices based on member consensus. We share the shooting range with partner clubs. This has been positive for range access, trails, snow grooming and minimizing costs. We will offer orientation, firearms safety course, coaches’ training, and access to training camps.
Join the Regina biathlon club
Participation in the Regina Biathlon Club through the Regina Ski Club also requires membership in Biathlon Saskatchewan and the Regina Wildlife Federation. The majority of Regina Biathlon members are families with children and parents interested in the sport. Volunteers are more than welcome, as there is much to do. An audience is most welcome to attend any training or competition event.
With membership you receive a key to our buildings. Training as a group is weekly, with optional mid-week practices on City trails, and the range facilities are generally available for year-round access. Range availability is shared, and at times it may be rented to outside agencies. The objective is to provide maximum availability to members. Additional training is available through the cross-country programs of the Regina Ski Club. You can start at our club at any training event, and competitions are designed to recognize members’ age, experience and ability. This is an exciting and challenging Olympic sport open to all ages 8 to 88.
Biathletes are also encouraged to participate in other associated cross-country skiing events, such as the Regina Ski Club Wednesday Night Races, which are free to Regina Ski Club members.
Our Range and Ski Trails
We share our range at the Regina Wildlife Federation with the RAPS Club and this has been a great relationship for years. With each club getting the access they need and in turn maximizing the use of the range.
At the Range we have a Clubhouse that is heated with a wood stove that keeps our fingers and toes warm during long winter practices, we also have a storage area where we keep all our Club equipment like targets, lawn mowers, mats, etc. We are always working to improve and maintain our facilities to make them the best for our athletes.
Our ski trails are a labour of love. Many years of work by the folks at the Wildlife Federation and by Merle Boyle has made our ski trails amazing. We are lucky to have access to White Butte from our trails for longer skiing and are proud of our trails and how they ski during the winter. Our Club is also working on a long term project of lighting our ski trails for use during Winter evenings.