The weather was perfect and we had lots of athletes at the range for our weekly practice.
Today we had a practice race so new athletes and old alike could work through the process of what a biathlon race looks like.
It was good as we had a few take the wrong trails and get a bit off track and lots of learning on the penalty loops. ;)
looking forward to hosting the SWF Cup races next weekend!
And it was good to see some old friends from MJ come out to ski and shoot!
Here is some information for the races next weekend.
Regina Biathlon Club is pleased to host 2 days of races Jan 12 and 13, 2019. Thank you to the SWF and RWF for their continued support!
Saturday - late start - noon zero 1:00 race.
Sunday - early start - 9:30 zero 10:30 race.
Saturday evening Western Pizza south Albert?(Steve to book back room at $15 pp). 5:00.
Cost for racing remains at $15 pp per day or $25 for both days plus pizza. sign-up.
Late registrations welcome up to time of the Zero.